Generative AI systems and Learning-Experience Design - materials

The webinar Generative AI systems and Learning-Experience Design took place on 16 Aug 2023 - the PPT and the video are available on the event page below:


Slavi Stoyanov, PhD

Slavi Stoyanov, a PhD in instructional technology, is currently with the Department of Technology-Enhanced Learning Innovation at the Open University of The Netherlands. He teaches and supervises MSc students and PhD candidates, with research interests in design for learning, technology-mediated learning, and individual differences in learning. He is internationally recognized as one of the leading experts in Group Concept Mapping research

During the webinar several questions from the audience were discussed:

- Which way of creating of prompt is more appropriate- by explaining all details in one prompt or guide AI creating step by step by prompts?
- Opinions about the impact of language models on the teaching approach ? Should the students be encouraged to learn prompting as a skill of future professionals?
- Paraphrasing tools like QuillBot AI - would they be helpful to students as well?
- Citation of AI produced material
- Does any of the grand LLMs offer source traceability?
- Tool that can searche in foreign language paper bases (in Chinese, Japanese) by key words or instruction in English. Is it possible?

If you want to communicate with the lector - his email is added in the PPT!
