EURAXESS Internship Program for Refugee and Displaced Researchers in Europe


The EURAXESS Internship Program for Refugee and Displaced Researchers in Europe is part of the ERA Talent project, GA 1011033476, financed by the European Commission (EC) under the Framework Programme (FP) Horizon Europe. It is based on the experience with the similar internship program conducted in the BRiDGE II project, financed by the EC under the FP Horizon 2020.

Its implementation is conducted by Sofia University “ST. Kliment Ohridski” (SU) which is a partner in the ERA Talent project. During the establishment of the program and its implementation the SU team is supported by the:


The aim of this program is to support refugee and displaced researchers through their integration in the European labor market. The focus of the program is on intersectoral mobility and will provide reimbursements to the researchers for internships in industrial and public organisations. Special attention will be given to female refugee researchers that need more support for intersectoral mobility.

Expected Impact

The team expects that between 25 – 35 researchers will benefit from this program.

Supporting the Gender Equality

The implementing team will follow strictly the gender equality principle. Accordingly 50% of the reimbursements will be granted to female researchers.

Financial Support

The ERA Talent project financial resource devoted to the EURAXESS Internship Program is 200 000 EUR. The reimbursement of the researcher covers duration of each internship activity between min 1 to max 6 months with full time or part time engagement with the host organisation.

REGISTER to take part in the EURAXESS Internship Program as a:
