Our last monthly meeting for 2021 brought us a lot of snowflakes from Bulgaria and interesting and nice news for the 2022!
See the presentation in the Linked in group - https://www.linkedin.com/groups/9090864/
We welcomed the newcomers who joined our mentoring family, we discussed how to improve our monthly meetings, we shared our news on growing mentoring program and on opening new virtual seminars, and we introduced a new #initiative suggested by you!
Main points:
- The first invited speaker - Prof Garcia Martinez will open our new initiative "Invited Speaker from Certain Fields Outside Academia" REGISTER!
- All 2021 virtual seminars are already available as video recording - https://mentoring.euraxess.bg/node/19
- There will be NEW seminars in the 2022! Registration for all upcoming seminars is open - https://mentoring.euraxess.bg/node/19
- All trainers in the virtual seminars became MENTORS - you can now request their mentorship
- There will be a short 15 min ORIENTATION section for newcomers in the future mentoring meetings
- The permanent survey for improving the monthly meetings will continue working but will be updated with the new sections. Please, submit your suggestions for improvement , thanks!
- The meetings will be more dynamic with polls and surveys
- The next meeting is announced for 11 Jan 2022, 14.30 CET, and is open for registration - REGISTER!
Thank you for joining and for your ideas and suggestions!