ERA4Ukraine - EURAXESS Mentoring Program - Monthly meeting - 20 Apr 2022, 13.30CET


The meeting is OPEN to all Ukrainian researchers and to all researchers interested to learn more about the program and use it as a tool to personally support their Ukrainian colleagues!

  Invited speakers:

  • Igor Taranov,

Director General of the Directorate of Science and Innovation of the Ministry of Education and Science

  • Sasha (Oleksandra) Ivashchenko,

PhD, Medicinal physicist in radiology and nuclear medicine (LUMC, the Netherlands)/ Ukrainian Outreach coordinator - #ScienceForUkraine

  • Yevheniia Polishchuk,

Vice-head of the Ukrainian Young Scientist Councils at the Ministry of Education and Science in Ukraine

The aim of the meeting is:

  • Train Ukrainian researchers how to join and use the program to better and faster integrate in ERA,
  • Introduce the participants to the ERA4Ukraine initiative and how they could support Ukrainian researchers.

We encourage experienced researchers to join the program as mentors!

We call for support from the mentors to accept at least 1 Ukrainian researcher ASAP! 

