

INVITATION! Next Mentoring Program monthly meeting - 22 Dеc 2021, 1.30 PM/CET


The next monthly meeting will take place on 22 Dec 2021, at 1.30 PM CET/Brussels time! The seats are limited to 100 and zoom will close upon reaching this number but you're free to join and leave at any time!

Link to the meeting:

Topic: Mentoring Monthly Meeting - 22.12.2021
Time: Dec 22, 2021 13:30 Brussels

Join Zoom Meeting - press HERE!

Meeting ID: 974 5825 7715
Passcode: 908766

Open Science and IPR - online training for researchers

The OPEN SCIENCE AND IPR online training for researchers will take place on 11 November 2021!

It is now open for registration. The description and details are available on the event page below. The detailed agenda will be available a week before the training.



Training for Young Researchers

The Discovery Learning series of webinars for this autumn is just launched!

The project offer a number of 3-4 hours webinars for researchers in different topics such as science diplomacy, science advice, career development and project planning.


Registration to the first webinar "Building careers as science diplomats" is now open on a first come first served basis.